
Nutrition Wellness at UNH

  • Full menus are posted in the dining halls and on our website. Our menus have tremendous variety from all the food groups and more!
  • Nutrition analysis of recipes can be seen on our website by clicking on the "Nutritive Analysis" button next to any day's menu.
  • Create your own Wellness Meals with items available every day.


General Nutrition

Assistance related to UNH Dining - contact the UNH Dining Registered Dietitian, or (603) 862-2583.

Ongoing Nutrition Counseling

The UNH Office of Health Education and Promotion at Health Services offers individual nutrition counseling appointments. For further information go to Health Services website or call their office at (603) 862-3823.

More Nutrition Topics

Click on the links below for other valuable nutrition topics.

Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI)
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from a person's weight and height. BMI provides a reliable indicator of body fatness for most people and is used to screen for weight categories that may lead to health problems.
Calculate your Body Mass Index

Harvard School of Public Health, The Nutrition Source
The Nutrition Source provides evidence-based diet & nutrition information for clinicians, health professional, the media and the public.
The Nutrition Source

Get Physically Active (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Who ever said physical activity is all work and no play? In fact, it can be just the opposite! There is no need to think of being active as strenuous exercise full of boring workouts. Instead, participate in fun physical activities you enjoy and watch the health benefits follow!
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Nutritional Analysis of Individual Foods
Search for any type of food and get detailed information based on a variety of portion sizes.

Lists of Single Nutrient Food Sources
Reports of selected food items and nutrients, sorted either by food description or in descending order by nutrient content in terms of common household measures.
U.S. Department of Agriculture